Design a new character for a typeface

Design a new character for a typeface

Designing the character behind the face. Of all the design discipline specialities, typeface design is probably the most monastic. Creating a new font takes skill, serious attention to detail, and a perseverance that a medieval monk would respect. Not only do you have to consider the aesthetics of stroke weight, overall form, and the effect…

Paper facts and recipes for discerning designers

Paper facts and recipes for discerning designers

Get hands-on with paper Graphic design processes are almost always about putting marks on surfaces, and those surfaces are almost always paper. We take this medium for granted, but do we really know much about it? We talk about ‘dead tree publishing’, reject the paperless office concept by consuming tons of the stuff, recycle it…

With resolution, size does matter
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With resolution, size does matter

When I teach I constantly have to remind myself that things that seem simple because I learned them years ago weren’t always easy to grasp the first time around. Image resolution is a bit case in point; understanding the relationship between a bitmap image’s resolution, pixel dimensions and printed size is simple once you know…

Cover design challenges in the digital world

Cover design challenges in the digital world

Is it possible to design sophisticated magazine covers that communicate and sell in the virtual newsstand when all we can show are low-resolution thumbnails? “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” We all know the saying, but do we pay any attention? Of course not. And that’s why we also say that first impressions matter….

One-trick specialist or flexible expert?

One-trick specialist or flexible expert?

Don’t be afraid to play around with established production methods. If you know enough about them you’ll find creative ways to subvert them. When you look at designers today you see people who are faced with massive multi-skill requirements. Photographer? Check. (Everyone has a digital camera these days, even if they’re not actually good at…

Flipback books: new direction or dead end?
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Flipback books: new direction or dead end?

We tend to take things such as book formats for granted, never really thinking about them as we read them and make content for them. There has been essentially no serious change, no innovation in the core standard design of books for centuries, unless you count the development of perfect binding and the paperback. Not…