Microsoft Word is the worst writing tool
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Microsoft Word is the worst writing tool

Hands up who uses Microsoft Word? Hands up who *likes* Microsoft Word? I asked those two questions in a talk I gave at The Future Of Text symposium in October. Almost the entire audience raised their hands at the first question, but hardly anyone did at the second. I wasn’t at all surprised. In fact,…

Creative cubist collages
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Creative cubist collages

Producing images by assembling many different shots can create eye-catching results, and can be done in many different programs. It also draws on concepts and techniques that originated with the Cubists over a century ago. Kit required: Adobe InDesign (or any DTP, graphic layout or bitmap editing application), multiple photographs of a scene Goal: To…

Paths of desire

Paths of desire

When people are left to go where they like, they tend to do just that. This simple fact is what the concept of ‘desire paths’ or ‘desire lines’ is all about; the natural path that evolves from the desire to take a certain route. This comes from architecture and planning, and it normally means ignoring…

Graphic projections and new angles on perspective
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Graphic projections and new angles on perspective

WYSIWYG: What You See Isn’t What You Get! One of the great advances in the Renaissance was the understanding of perspective. Not the experiential kind that helps us learn from our mistakes, but rather the ‘converging parallel lines’ kind that helps us replicate our perception of depth, the third dimension, in a two-dimensional image. This…

Keith Martin presents Fun with Flags: the evolution of the Catalan Estelada

Keith Martin presents Fun with Flags: the evolution of the Catalan Estelada

“Hello. I’m Keith Martin, and welcome to Keith Martin presents: Fun with Flags”. No, hang on, I promise this won’t be like Sheldon’s infamous vexillology video podcasts… even though one or two of my students have compared me to Sheldon. I’ve always found national flags fascinating from a graphic design sense. They are meant to…